Prepare for the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) with our collection of sample questions and online practice problems focused on Professional Education. Test your exam readiness with interactive review materials that simulate the actual LET, helping you strengthen your understanding of key topics like Teaching Profession, Social Dimension of Education, Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development, Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development, Assessment of Student Learning, Developmental Reading, Field Study, and Practice Teaching. Our free practice tests are designed to help aspiring teachers succeed by providing rationale for every question. With these online resources, you can improve your chances of passing the LET and achieving your goal of becoming a licensed teacher.
1) If you are a constructivist, what assumptions about learning and learner govern your thinking?
a) For learners to learn, knowledge should be transmitted directly from teachers to learners.
b) Learners are capable of constructing meaning of what is taught to them.
c) Learners are empty receptacles waiting to be filled.
d) Teachers are the only source of knowledge.
RATIONALE: Constructivism posits that learners actively construct their own understanding and knowledge through experiences and interactions. Knowledge should not be transmitted directly, and learners are not empty receptacles. Teachers are facilitators, not the sole source of knowledge.9) The success of the discovery approach entails following certain principles. Such principles are as follows except one. Which of this?
a) Learning through self-discovery is enhanced by individualized and small group explanations.
b) Children discover relationships and make generalizations in their own individual ways.
c) Methods used by children in learning through self-discovery should not be likened to the ways in whi
d) Children learn as a result of their observations and the experiences they undergo.
RATIONALE: The correct answer is c] Methods used by children in learning through self-discovery should not be likened to the ways in which scientists think, work, and organize knowledge because the discovery approach does parallel scientific methods. Individual and small group work, personal generalization methods, and learning through observation are all central to discovery learning.11) Mr. Palo distributed a K-W-L chart to his students so they could fill up the K and W columns. Which of the following reasons DOES NOT justify such activity?
a) Setting a purpose for reading
b) Activating prior knowledge
c) Confirming, revising or rejecting an earlier assumption about a topic
d) Sharing assumptions related to the topic of the text to be read
RATIONALE: Confirming, revising, or rejecting an earlier assumption about a topic is not the primary purpose of filling out the K and W columns of a K-W-L chart. These columns are designed to set a purpose for reading and activate prior knowledge. The L column is where confirmation, revision, or rejection occurs after reading.
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